
Winter 2022 | Gaugin Image Creator, Scanner bed | 5”x 5” x .25”
Deserts is a zine processed through the Gaugin Image Creator, translating drawn color blocks into landscapes. Drawing inspiration from scans of landscapes, this zine is a compilation of real and created landscapes, paired with generated text. This project oscilates between analogue and digital with each passage leaving its distortion marks. Desert focuses on using the space between digital and physical space as a medium in and of itself.
frankie’s content creature
Using JavaScript and AppleScript, images are randomly selected, formatted, and printed from a database of images. The program then uses the generative text website, Botnik, to generate text based off randomly selected and compiled arena text files. The text is formatted as a 8.5”x11” pdf and printed.
The zine above is created using only the produced content, tape, scissors, scanners, markers, and reprints.
These are the database, code, and rules I used. I encourage you to explore the code and create your own rules. Please reach out to for help setting up the program on your computer, questions, and any zines you create!
JavaScript code
AppleScript code
image/text database

Winter 2022 | JavaScript, Photoshop
Bluets is the combination of Maggie Nelson’s poetry with images generated with JavaScript in Photoshop. The code uses script listener with basic loops and if-else statements. It functions as a web- selecting a path with its own specialty manipulations, loops, and sub-paths. The images and poems included are hand selected and paired from the generated image outputs and Bluets by Maggie Nelson.
working process